3 hours ago
ER605 V2 as client, does not work with OpenVPN client-to-site
I have configured a couple of VLAN to go through a client-to-site OpenVPN setup and it is working great. But as soon as I tried doing the same for a second OpenVPN for a different VLAN/Interfaces, it
5 hours ago
VPN Client IP Address
Why is it that TP-Link does not care on logging the originating IP Address of VPN Clients? Is this by design to protect identity of hackers that may try to compromise the system? I had an incident whe
11 hours ago
Beginner's Guide available?
Hello, I want to maintain two EAP 683 UR as well as two TL-SG3428X in my home. To do that I want to use the OMADA Software Controller. I've already installed it on my Synology NAS as a docker containe
20 hours ago
Cant save a tag or untag
Hello When I untag my Primary and IoT networks its wont let me save the config. Can someone help me
13 hours ago
Unable to connect ISP
I just bought a ER707-M2 and for last two days I been trying to connect my router setup (PPPoE) to ISP(TPG) and it keeps falling. As soon as I plug in the old router and it works. i have set the corre
21 hours ago
Configure VPN in Omada ER7206 behind ISP router without bridge mode
Hi there, Currently I'm trying to set up a VPN server in my Omada Gigabit VPN Router (ER7206) so that I can access office computers remotely from home. I followed the guide from