Deco X20 ethernet backhaul disallows large file downloads
My network:
- AT&T Router (fiber)
- Deco X20 main (ethernet 1)
- Deco X20 satellite 2 (wifi backhaul)
- Other devices (wifi)
- Other devices (wifi)
- Deco X20 satellite 2 (wifi backhaul)
- Deco X20 main (ethernet 1)
- SG-105
- Deco X20 main (ethernet 2)
- Deco X20 satellite 1 (ethernet backhaul)
- Desktop (ethernet)
- Laptop (wifi)
From the desktop and laptop, I cannot download large files with this network configuration. Video conferencing and other streaming services work fine. The problem only shows up when trying download a large file. I believe I enountered the issue over both HTTP and FTP.
To help pinpoint the problem, I rearranged my network like this:
- AT&T Router (fiber)
- Deco X20 main (ethernet 1)
- Deco X20 satellite 2 (wifi backhaul)
- Deco X20 satellite 1 (wifi backhaul)
- Desktop (ethernet)
- SG-105 (ethernet)
- Laptop (ethernet, wifi disabled)
- Other devices (wifi)
- Other devices (wifi)
- Deco X20 main (ethernet 1)
With this configuration, I did not experience any limit on download file sizes from my laptop or desktop. Note that the SG-105 is still between the laptop and my ISP in this configuration, so the problem is not the SG-105.
I played around with downloading files from Google Drive, and I found three interesting facts. 1) There is no upload limit. I can upload files I cannot then download. 2) The maximum allowed size varies wildly but is consistent within a time window. I was able to determine the max downloadable size as 514M, 90M, 3.8M, and ~500k at various points in time over about 30 minutes. I haven't timed the length of the time window between max file size limit changes, but it's on the order of several minutes. 3) When the downloads fail, they fail immediately, no matter the file size, which leads me to suspect the something is explicitly rejecting large downloads.
How should I proceed? I need the ethernet backhaul, because satellite 1 is on the other side of the house from the main Deco. I only have ethernet drops in the perimeter walls of the house, so there's no way to place the main Deco close to both satellites. Without the ethernet backhaul, the bandwidth through furthest satellite drops below an acceptable level.