instability with Deco Firmware 1.4.1

instability with Deco Firmware 1.4.1

44 Reply
Re:instability with Deco Firmware 1.4.1
2024-01-27 18:50:37

  @David-TP Ok today my system has locked up and rebooted several times.


Here is what I noticed.


Accessing the Deco via the app and doing one of the following will most of the time cause lockup/reboot.

Viewing clients say looking for an IP address. You will get an error that there was an error retreving the list, then lockup and reboot. In fact the error says that you should reboot but the lockup happens first.

Checking for a FW update can cause lockup/reboot.

Changing most any setting example setting the LED to go off at night save it and lockup/reboot.


If you don't make any changes or use the app seems to stay up check anything via the app issues.


I am willing to test BETA FW to fix this as anything is better then the current version.



Re:instability with Deco Firmware 1.4.1
2024-01-27 20:09:37

  @007Bond I submitted for an RMA and got a replacement refurbished set at a lower rev firmware. Network works now flawlessly exactly as it did before the firmware upgrade to 1.4.1.  I won't be updating it any time soon. I suggest you get a replacement from TP-Link until they figure out what they damaged in this upgrade.

Re:instability with Deco Firmware 1.4.1
2024-01-27 20:48:16

I was able to get all working on three x50 with 1.4.1. If you point your browser to the IP address of each AP you will have a very simple admin page, on this page use the firmware upgrade tool to re-upload 1.4.1. Do this first to the slave(s) AP and lastly do the master. When doing the master, make sure you don't re-update the others.

Re:instability with Deco Firmware 1.4.1
2024-01-27 20:58:50

  @red3dcom Yes I did email in a request let's see.


I mean I would downgrad the FW but it clearly says it cannot be done. Not sure it is a good idea to not have a path back with FW.



Re:instability with Deco Firmware 1.4.1
2024-01-27 20:59:43 - last edited 2024-01-27 21:01:28

  @OvelhaNegra Interesting ideal how did you find the IP of the slaves? Mien are connected via ethernet.


Just found it by clicking the slave deco!



Re:instability with Deco Firmware 1.4.1
2024-01-28 18:52:19 - last edited 2024-01-28 19:03:16

  @David-TP @OvelhaNegra


OK interesting stuff since I had some time today.


I manually reflased all Decos with the downloaded file no change things very unstable. Example just using the app viewing things can cause a reboot.


On a totally other note I have been trying to get IPV6 working since my ISP supports it and I can see my laptop has an address (however it is a local address).


I again on another note see I have many errors in the logs for "Error: can't find ifnameError: can't find ifname" could not find much info that helped on this.


I was going through the Deco settings for IPV6 and I did have it enabled but when I test it from my laptop it fails.


I noticed the Deco has different settings for IPV4 and IPV6 again did some searching not much help just says set to what your ISP says, and most don't tell you so I have no idea it was set to Dynamic.


I decided to try setting it to Bridge just for IPV6 since my laptop fails to connect to IPV6 sites and also as noted has a local IPV6 address.


Saving this caused the Deco to reboot and it came up in about 5 min. Now when I test IPV6 from my laptop passes no issue so now with this setting IPV6 is working from my devices that support it. OK this is good and now I notice that the Deco no longer has it's own IPV6 address it is just blank.


I also note that the logs are no longer littered with "Error: can't find ifnameError: can't find ifname" so far this seems to have made some improvements as I have less errors ad IPV6 is working.


I have been accessing the Deco from the app trying every screen possible and so far no reboots no issues.


I do want to note a point of clarification here. Before Firmware 1.4.1 my system was set the same way IPV6 enabled but it was in dynamic and IPV6 did not work from my devices. So just want to note the only thing that made the sys unstable was the update to Firmware 1.4.1. So I was having all kings of issues with Firmware 1.4.1 with IPV6 disabled and the reason it was disabled was I have factory defaulted my sys to see if that helped with the Firmware 1.4.1 issues. I simply decided yesterday to reenable IPV6 since I always had it in the past with no issue (though it did not work).


I will have to continue testing but for the past 1 hour it seems this simple setting as massively improved the stability of FW 1.4.1 again still testing to see if this really did fix my issues.


I have some questions if anyone can help great.


OK so now I have my system operation set as Wi-Fi Router and it needs to be since I have many clients and need the large DHCP pool (my T-Mobile home internet router has a DHCP limit less then I need).


Specifically, under Internet Connection currently I have IPV4 sent to Dynamic and IPV6 set to bridge (again note that setting IVP6 from Dynamic to Bridge has somehow seemingly made the sys more stable).


-My specific question is do I want to also set IPV4 to Bridge???

-If I do even as a test will my Deco system operation still be Wi-Fi router and be the DHCP server???


I don’t want to break things but since this simple change for IPV6 has again seemingly majorly improved stability.


Again, I cannot find much info on these settings. But now my laptop clearly has the local IPV6 address of my T-Mobile router and the public IPV6 address second in the list and not one assigned by the Deco and passes IPV6 testing on IPV6 sites. ??? security risk the laptop shows the IPV6 public address???


I would assume that changing the IPV4 internet connection to Bridge should work and still leave the system operation in Wi-Fi router mode but I don’t know that for sure.


Based on what happen with IPV6 if I change this I will get a IPV4 address from the router.

But remember I really don’t want this since the pool is to small. Maybe I also get a outside address that would be risk.


No real data on this topic looking for advice from anyone that knows more.




But system stable now for almost 2 hours so seems this setting has something to do with at least my stability issue.



Re:instability with Deco Firmware 1.4.1
2024-01-29 01:13:53

@David-TP OK short lived success the sys just took a dump.


I was in the app looking in the client list and got the old error "Something went wrong while obtaining the client list. Please reboot the main Deco and connect to the wireless network again.


I did nothing and in a min whole sys rebooted so issue remains it seems.


David any ideas here what this error is related to and why it causes reboot?



Re:instability with Deco Firmware 1.4.1
2024-01-29 01:46:14 - last edited 2024-01-29 01:54:57


Hi, Doug, Thank you very much for the update. 

I'm not sure whether the replacement would work so I'd like to forward your case to the senior engineer first for further assistance.


As for your previous question:

We don't need to set IPV4 to bridge.

Most home routers get the range of IPV6 addresses with the prefix /64 seem to be not divisible into multiple subnets. If T-mbile router already works as a DHCPv6 router, IPV6 on Deco might need to use "Bridge".As for the global IPV6 address, if Deco worked as the DHCPV6 server, its IPV6 firewall was enabled by default and all the inbound IPV6 connections were blocked. I think the T-mobile router might work the same so there shouldn't be any security risk. 

Thank you very much and best regards.

Re:instability with Deco Firmware 1.4.1
2024-01-29 14:34:01



Thanks David.


Yes I wish I could use the Deco in Bridge but the TM router has a limit of 64 clients and I have just over that limit. Sounds like the current settings is the best I can have given the limits of the TM and when it works it works just fine.


I have been watching the CPU and memory of the Deco I wonder if at times is gets overloaded having 6 Decos and 70+ clients?


Smart home with IMO a lot of commmunication going on between clients as well as many cameras to the cloud. I find that as manufacutres add features with new FW it can in time overlioad CPU's. I wonder if a Deco with higher CPU power as the main would help?


Note sure but fixing the IPV6 has reduced errors in the logs and in turn reduced CPU load. It has not solved the core problem but it has reduced the problems with this FW.


Still the fact remains there was no reboots no issues before this latest FW update.


Thanks hopfully we can get to the bottom of this asap.

Re:instability with Deco Firmware 1.4.1
2024-02-13 15:52:39

Since the upgrade, many devices have been disconnecting for no reason, like my iPhone 14 Pro, which requires manually turning off the Wi-Fi and turning it back on to connect. My HomePod would suddenly be unable to connect, making AirPlay unusable. Eventually, I got some improvement by setting the Wi-Fi band to 2.4GHz only in the Deco connection preferences. This firmware upgrade has really been terrible!



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