Wi-Fi Routers
19 hours ago
Archer A7 as access point
Can this be connected to main router wirelessly, or must it be connected with an ethernet wire? can this receive a wifi signal from the main router and then pass it on?
Wi-Fi Routers
19 hours ago
Archer A8 Router Slower than Modem both wired and wireless
My Archer A8 router is significantly slower over both wired and wireless connections than wired straight into the modem. i have 1 gig connection and when i connect wired directly modem my speed is aro
Wi-Fi Routers
Connect to device on local network from computer via wifi with WR802N in wireless router mode
I have a TL-WR802N that I'm trying to configure. I want people to be able to connect to a device on the local network with their phones/tablets via wifi. I also don't want people to have to manually s
Wi-Fi Routers
a week ago
Tether let me in to my neighbors AX73 - Massive security flaw
My parents live in another state and they have a AX73. I am set up as administrator and using Tether app I get into their router. Last night I logged into it and was looking around at different settin
Wi-Fi Routers
a week ago
IPv6 settings broken?
I was exploring the IPv6 settings even though my ISP might not support it and enabled it for some time then disabled it but it seems that many of my clients are still trying to use IPv6, maybe because
Wi-Fi Routers
a week ago
Any plans to expand Access Control White List beyond 64 devices?
Any plans to expand Access Control White List beyond 64 devices? at my work location we have reached that limit with ease. Why allow up to 99 connections but only allow 64 for the white-list.