HomeCare vs HomeShield

HomeCare vs HomeShield

21 Reply
Re:HomeCare vs HomeShield
2023-04-10 18:17:14


Sorry to hear that, 

the change from HomeCare to HomeShield was made as a result of our teams being able to develop better protections for both our devices and users. 


Most of the features that were used in HomeCare have been moved over to the new HomeShield platform, with even more advancements to come soon. I did even just see that the ability to block specific youtube channels has been added to the parental control features. Lastly, while HomeCare provides these protections from attacks, HomeShield provides much more comprehensive coverage of your devices, IoT networks, and traffic. At CES this year, it was even announced that the HomeShield Platform is extended with increased parental controls, and per-device protections that will prevent devices from circumventing the network's firewalls.


I have to say that if HomeCare is still working great for you, by all means go ahead and continue using it; however the number of models supporting the service will most likely only decline over time. It is worth mentioning that, as the service is chosen by what your main node is, you may be able to extend your network with the X95s, but the bandwidth will be bottlenecked by your main node.




Our teams work very closely with our Product Team, so I would be more than happy to forward the feedback that the paywall for specific features is preventing users from upgrading. Are there specific features that you would expect in the free plan that are instead in the payed plan. What specifically are the dealbreaking features for you?

Re:HomeCare vs HomeShield
2023-08-12 18:42:38



Reference TpDP LV1's entry of 2023-04-08 17:48:09.


First, thank you for your candid responses to the various comments concerns.  I appreciate it.  However, I am in total agreement with TpDP's comments.  I currently own (and am very pleased with) a Deco x60 v1 that I purchased from Costco.  Wanting to make my network environment even better, I recently purchased a TPLink Deco AXE5300, again from Costco.  As of this writing, I have not yet even opened the box because I became aware of the HomeCare Vs HomeShield debate and started reading up on it.  


This is where TpDP's comment come into play.  As there are two adults in my household, parental controls are not as critically important for me as for others.  However, the HomeCare "package" suited my needs perfectly.  I especially appreciated the Custom Profile, Site Blocking, Content filtering, Device Blocking, Log Insight, and Usage Monitor, and I monitored each routinely.   I also appreciated the monthly reports.  All of those features were made available to me as part of the overall product purchase.  So imagine my disappointment to make this purchase at substantial cost only to find that some of those very useful and desirable features will now require additional (and unwanted) expense.  In the end I feel that I have paid for a "degraded" service when those same, more robust features were part of the original purchase.


TpDP said it best:  "...but the idea of upgrading to newer Deco hardware, only to lose the features that I already have and love...?


It's a deal-breaker for me."


I didn't buy the Deco Mesh Routers (either the X60, or the AXE5300) for the software package.  But the X60 came with it and I found it very helpful.  I really would like to install the AXE5300 mesh router as an upgrade to my existing network, but the HomeShield "package" is way lacking and in my view, unwanted.  I know TPLink has contracted with another company, but including the SAME features that HomeCare offered for free should have been included in that new contract agreement!  With the HomeShield package, I feel like I am being taken advantage of.  In the old days, we'd use a phrase that said "I'm getting "nickel and dimed."  Meaning I was being charged more and more beyond the original cost of whatever it was that I wanted to buy.  This HomeShield product feels the same way.  Buy the router, then pay $5.99 per month more for the IoT security, Malicious Content filtering, DDoS Protection, and...I think you get my point.  Consequently, I will reluctantly pass on the network upgrade until TP-Link can sort things out in favor of their customers.  


On a positive note, I have been 100% satisfied with my Deco X60 and the associated HomeCare package.  It has been the most efficient and useful router I've ever owned.  I love the ability to control my network via my phone app.  The information is useful and the app is very easy to use.  I have no reason to believe that the AXE5300 would be any less satisfying to use...except for the HomeShield package with fewer free features, and the additional out of pocket expense required to continue using those features.


Thank you for the opportunity to share my concerns.    

Re:HomeCare vs HomeShield
2023-08-14 18:46:42 - last edited 2023-08-14 18:46:59


I completely understand the concerns; it is never encouraging to see something like this disappear or move to a paid service.


The switch to HomeShield was slightly before my arrival, so I do not know the full details, but from what I can gather, the service was changed to the HomeShield as it provided far better customization and protections for networks. Unfortunately, all the added protections and features cost money for upkeep, monitoring, and running servers. Unfortunately, HomeCare was much less of a "package" but simply a feature that was bundled with the network - as we have moved on from the provider that supported HomeCare, we cannot continue providing their services to new models.


Also, HomeCare did not see as many advancements to keep up with the pace of technology. Homeshield on the other hand is much more up-to-date with new features and protections being implemented with each new update, making Homeshield more of a service, while Homecare was more of a set feature.


It is worth noting that while there are limits on some of the features, the base levels of network protection, such as device blocking and content filtering, still exist on the free plan. There are also some pretty extreme updates coming to HomeShield soon, with some of the community's most advanced requests being added. As we pass similar feedback to yours and features are introduced, we may see larger changes made to the service plans overall - such as how TapoCare just made AI detection free for all users.



So that I can provide feedback regarding the service:


Of the features you mentioned, which are the absolute most important?

Is there a limit that could be placed on the free plan's version of the features that you think would be manageable and help make it less of a dealbreaker?

Re:HomeCare vs HomeShield
2023-08-16 01:09:13


I'm absolutely gutted.

I was very happy with my M5 network and then I upgraded to 1Gbps optical fiber. I upgraded the router only to find out that my new *expensive* fast router offered *less* protection than the routers I bought 3 years ago.

it is an insult to your clients' intelligence. So many useful functions have been removed! Speed test, antivirus, reports! I will not pay, and I will look at another solution. You lost me there, trying to make a quick buck is going to cost you in the long run. Such an obvious corporate bean counter decision. And trying to upsell the new "improved" features! SMH... 

Re:HomeCare vs HomeShield
2023-09-23 22:49:46 - last edited 2023-09-23 22:50:27

  @Riley_S Well, you've come across a rock and hard place, at least the way I see it.  TP-Link is a Chinese corporation and privacy concerns such as with Huawei have come to light...


I personally see a benefit in having a paid subscription to a third party for those considering moving to TP-Link from a different router manufacturer.  They would be less suspicious of protection they have to pay for.


It wasn't mentioned as an option, but MAYBE for loyal customers trying to upgrade to make at least those HomeCare inclusive features free, or outright the cost of HomeShield Pro.  Then have the tiered HomeShield for new TP-Link users?.....

Re:HomeCare vs HomeShield
2023-09-25 17:58:59


So HomeShield is actually changing right now to include more features and additional protections. As you suggested, Homeshield uses third-party services such as Avira for real time protection and the new tiers that exist in HomeShield even offer a comprehensive protection plan that makes use of Avira's separate Avira Prime service, as is the case with the Kidshield feature coming soon.


While it is not a direct solution, HomeShield recently split the parental controls and network protection settings so that you do not have to pay for the features that you do not use. Unfortunately, the features, services, and costs that come with HomeShield are dramatically different than HomeCare - with each feature providing far more comprehensive protection.


As for your concerns about privacy: we always value our user's privacy when using our products, and headway is always being made to mitigate any worries that we may have regarding your data, so stay tuned for updates. I will reach out to the team to see if there are any plans to provide upgrade paths for HomeCare users, however I have not heard of anything yet.

Re:HomeCare vs HomeShield
2023-09-26 21:02:38



I am extremely upset by this. I solely bought an X60 system due to it supposedly coming with lifetime HomeCare Parental Controls included per the info provided by TPLink on Costco's website. I demand to be given the free parental controls for the lifetime of this product that I was promised upon purchase. I don't care if it is HomeCare or HomeShield. I was promised these controls and TPLink did not deliver.

Re:HomeCare vs HomeShield
2023-09-28 05:35:07 - last edited 2023-09-28 05:37:23

Riley_S wrote


... I will reach out to the team to see if there are any plans to provide upgrade paths for HomeCare users, however I have not heard of anything yet.

  @Riley_S It seems I did not make clear my concern regarding HomeCare users.  It appears that HomeCare was included before with older router models.  Owners of these models may want to upgrade to newer models, but lose some built in HomeCare features when upgrading their router as they'd need to pay for the corresponding HomeShield feature.  You asked which features are important to those legacy users, and my suggestion is to include all HomeCare features to these loyal customers.  For example if parental controls was included in HomeCare, then when those who have old TP-Link routers upgrade to a new, that they get HomeShield parental controls for free.  Those who never had a HomeCare router will be charged the standard HomeShield fee for features...

Re:HomeCare vs HomeShield
2024-03-10 13:53:46

  @Riley_S  you can add me to the list of customers that will not upgrade because we would lose the homecare services. i bought 3 m9 plus and was going to upgrade to the XE75 but then i learned i would lose my homecare services and that on the homeshield i would have to pay for what i have right now. Cyber security on these days is really important and that was one of the reason i choose to buy the m9 plus. now that i want to upgrade the fact that would lose this service was a deal breaker for me, i would rather keep the setting that i have already, which is working pretty good. if you ask me i would share all the services on the homecare on the homshield for free and work on top of that adding new services that require payment, that would help with the population of your costumers that want to upgrade but wont because of this situation.

Re:HomeCare vs HomeShield
2024-05-07 01:26:56

  @TpDP thank you for the community to provide so many valuable comments and opinon.


I have recently upgraded my m9plus network to BE85 network without much research.  To my surprise many customers already have this uproar about the home care vs home shield debate


Fortunately or Unfortunately .. i have option as tplink has all deco compatible.  If they remove this feature.. its dooms day



1. BE85 as main router + M9plus as a mesh note.  this you get HomeShield

2. M9plus as main router + M9Plus as note and BE85 as note.  this you get HomeCare.

3. BE85 as main Router with M9Plus Router and creating 2 network.


each configuration has its own benefits but i want to mention that TPLink as a product develop need to provide option for consumers to choose.  If TPLink role out the state of art router at a expensive price tag with feature that is paid only, they will start losing customers.


I hope option can be provided to choose homecare or homesheild or whatever new feature add on as a paid service and let customer choose.


Best Regards



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