Unstable Wifi with Deco
Hello, i'm having problems with our current setup. So it's for our house which is 2 floors. So here's the setup. 3 Deco M4R and 3 Deco E4R. I also have a AC1200/Archer C54. 2 Switches. 1 ER605 and 2 fiber optic routers from our internet provider running at 600mbps per router. The routers are in the 2nd floor. Basically, the setup is the 2 routers go to the ER605, then that ER605 then connects to my Main Deco, the M4R. Then the M4R then connects to my 1st switch which then distributes it to all other 5 decos. At random times it keeps blinking Red randomly and wifi keeps disappearing. Theyre all connected via ethernet. The 2nd one i tried was using the AC1200/Archer C54 as the one receiving from the ER605, then it connects to the switch where all 6 decos are plugged in. Its also very unstable and keeps disappearing randomly. Ive tried both AP mode and Router mode for both setups. Ive also now tried Having from 1 router, straight to the AC1200, then the AC1200 to the swtich where all the decos are plugged in. So basically all of them are all plugged in the switch.
What i want to try now if it will work is basically having 1 Router, to the switch, switch to the main deco, then main deco to 2nd deco, then 2nd deco to 3rd deco. From 1st to 3rd deco all ethernet backhaul since 3 of them are in the 2nd floor. Then having the other 3 downstairs connect to the first three wirelessly.
I can remove the switch then have it directly go the the main deco too if that would be better.
Will putting a swtich per deco work? Main deco -> Switch -> 2nd Deco -> Switch -> 3rd Switch. This is because i have 2 tv's with each one of the decos that need to be directly plugged in via ethernet and the decos i have only have 2 ports which is only enough to receive and give internet to the next deco and wont have space for my tv.
Thank you!! its been 2 months ive been trying to fix this.