Cannot get multiple video downloads

Cannot get multiple video downloads

Cannot get multiple video downloads
Cannot get multiple video downloads
2024-01-20 13:38:59
Model: Tapo C210  
Hardware Version: V2
Firmware Version: 1.3.11

I have 3 camerasa and Tapo Care Basic.  However, i can only have 1 camera uploading onto the cloud service. 
i cannot set all 3 cameras to upload to the cloud, and therefore can only playback from 1 specific camera. 

1 Reply
Re:Cannot get multiple video downloads
2024-01-22 08:02:09


Please help confirm the following information about the reported case.

1. Send me the MAC address of the two cameras that do not upload the video clips to the cloud server via a private message. You can find the camera's MAC address on its Device Settings>Device Info page.


2. Please go to a problematic camera's Device Settings>Detection page to check what detection types are enabled, and check if the Notification feature is enabled.
When the camera detects an event, can you receive a notification on your phone or the Tapo app>Home>Bell icon at the top right corner.


Best Regards



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