Deco Firmware Updates Adding IoT and Signal Selection for Multiple Models - May 2023

Deco Firmware Updates Adding IoT and Signal Selection for Multiple Models - May 2023

41 Reply
Re:Deco Firmware Updates Adding IoT and Signal Selection for Multiple Models
2023-06-03 11:04:46

  @Riley_S " IoT Network Added "


This is WiFi only and not a vlan on the wired side that you can add devices to, correct?

Re:Deco Firmware Updates Adding IoT and Signal Selection for Multiple Models
2023-06-05 20:13:46


This is correct, the IoT Network feature is specific to wireless devices.


Saying that, Device Isolation, should be available to any devices connected to your network, including wired clients. Device isolation is a separate feature for isolating devices on any of your wireless networks and your wired devices.



Is Wired Guest Network or Wired IoT Network functionality something that would prove highly useful to everyone? If so, I would be more than happy to forward the request to our team with a few examples of how it could be useful

Re:Deco Firmware Updates Adding IoT and Signal Selection for Multiple Models
2023-06-06 00:54:34


Riley_S wrote


Is Wired Guest Network or Wired IoT Network functionality something that would prove highly useful to everyone?


Yes, I think this would be important functionality, particularly for the IoT isolation. The simple and best example is that not all IoT devices only connect by wifi. Some are wired only.

Re:Deco Firmware Updates Adding IoT and Signal Selection for Multiple Models
2023-06-06 15:35:03

  @Riley_S Any insight if the Deco PX50 will get any update soon? I'd like to get that reboot schedule feature instead of manually rebooting every few days. 

Re:Deco Firmware Updates Adding IoT and Signal Selection for Multiple Models
2023-06-06 22:30:15


Any clue when an update will be available for the x55 ver 1.26?

Re:Deco Firmware Updates Adding IoT and Signal Selection for Multiple Models
2023-06-07 06:06:50

Is anyone able to get the OpenVPN server working? I updated my Deco XE75  to the latest firmware and setup openvpn as I have done in the past with other TP-Link units, but this time, client machines refuse to find and connect to my openvpn server, with a connection timeout message.  Can anyone let me know if they were able to get openvpn working and what I should change to fix this. 

Re:Deco Firmware Updates Adding IoT and Signal Selection for Multiple Models
2023-06-15 20:14:59

  @Riley_S My expierence so far is that both the Guest and IoT neworks are performing poorly compared to how the Guest network performed prior to this update.

Re:Deco Firmware Updates Adding IoT and Signal Selection for Multiple Models
2023-06-16 19:16:55

Once again TP Link disappoints. The big message... TP Link releases new firmware for a lot of models. I have a Deco x20 that is 2 yeras old. The firmware is two years old and there have been no updates since then and on my hardware vesion 1.26 there are no updates. Firstly in todays networking environment you are telling me that no security issues have taken place in two years - ah I doubt that. Secondly you sell us on new features but it I can't update my old equipment to utilitize them - why would I upgrade to your newer equipment?? Thirdly you read anout beta firmware that has these features but you can't even find it or worse it never progresses past beta. I liked your products but I am to the point I can no longer use it and I definately can't recommend it to my clients. Perhaps I am missing something so please educate me. 

Re:Deco Firmware Updates Adding IoT and Signal Selection for Multiple Models
2023-06-19 19:44:48 - last edited 2023-06-19 19:46:56



I also noticed issues with this update which I posted here: Link


As I tried to roll the firmware update back and it did not work, I'm stuck on this version. So I have to turn off the satellite decos after my work day is done, and turn wifi off on my phone so it doesn't echo for those calling me. 


Good to know the team is working on it. Thank you!

Re:Deco Firmware Updates Adding IoT and Signal Selection for Multiple Models
2023-06-20 10:26:31




Thank you, did the update and added the iot network. 


The update seems to be a little less stable , the devices with wifi backhaul sometimes go down...


Besides that the update has been amazing... 


Is there a difference between guest network and iot network from a security and internal perspective (besides the security warnings about shutting off the guest network and the timer to keep guest network on for x amount of minutes)?


Is there device isolation between the main network, guest , and iot one?